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Safety and Success

Magna’s Safety and Success Coalition is a large workgroup within the Magna United Communities that Care Coalition that is committed to preventing violence and overall crime within the Magna Community. In collaboration with community partners, we are working to keep Magna’s young adult population safe and crime free. Some issues that are focused on include gun safety, gang prevention, drug prevention, and youth court.

Magna Kearns Youth Court

Magna Kearns Youth Court will be starting in Fall 2023!

What is Magna Kearns Youth Court?

Magna Kearns Youth Court (MKYC) is a restorative justice process that examines cases of elementary, middle, and high school students for eligible state and school offenses and then determines what can be done to repair the harm while holding the person who caused it accountable for their actions.

A youth court panel will hear the offenses and deliberate and formulate positive dispositions that meet the needs of the youth offender while also restoring justice. If the youth offender fails to complete their disposition contract, their case will be sent back to the referring party, who may take further disciplinary action.

The Magna Kearns Youth Court strives to develop youth centered respect for the rule of law, positive citizenship attitudes, encourage civic engagement, and promote educational success through a diversity of dispositions, which may include learning and social opportunities.

To learn more about Magna Kearns Youth Court, see our brochure.

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